Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Gluten free?

Everyone's talking about "going gluten-free". Some have to because of health issues, others are doing it by choice because of the health benefits.

We are skeptical of most all fad diets, but we've been hearing so many good things about the way people are feeling after eliminating gluten or wheat flour from their diet. 

We decided to try it. Mind you we have one foot in and one foot out. Basically our version of this is to have the food in our home be gluten-free, and then if we have to eat out we'll try to stick to it, but we don't beat ourselves up if it's too difficult. Last week (during the week) we stayed relatively gluten-free. (My husband had 0 glutens, I cheated a little) 

Anyways, it wasn't that difficult. And we did feel good. I think what we noticed more was how bad we felt when we did eat glutens again on the weekend. So we're trying it again this week. 

Lunches are the hardest thing to do gluten free. You have to be creative. Last week we did curry chicken lettuce wraps (unfortunately no picture, but they were really good!), and this week is chicken salad on portobellos. (and of course some other gluten-free snacks).

I was thrilled when I saw this chicken salad recipe on pinterest. I adapted it a little, and was able to get away with out using any mayo! (Mayo is naturally gluten-free, but I've just always tried to stay away from it because of it's fat and calorie content.)

2 cups shredded chicken
1 avacado
2 tsp. chopped cilantro
Salt to taste
dash of lemon pepper

I put the chicken salad on roasted portobellos. I highly recommend this. The flavor of the no-mayo chicken salad is a little different than you'd expect, but tastes perfect on a portobello. 

I was afraid I'd get green chicken salad doing this, but the chicken holds it's color really well!

When you taste these, you won't be able to believe there's no mayo!

And we made these semi-homemade turtle brownies last night! We used the Betty Crocker gluten-free brownie mix, added some pecans and drizzled caramel sauce on top! Mmm...

So far the gluten-free thing ain't so bad!

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