Friday, November 18, 2011

I'm Awake!

I generally feel pretty low when I don't wake up on time. My husband has an amazing (but what some might call "inhuman") ability to stay up late and jump out of bed early. Before we were married, I worked full time, and my schedule was: go to sleep at a reasonable time, wake up at the last possible minute to throw on clothes, grab food for lunch, and get to work on time. Goal: get 8 hours of sleep or more. I love sleep.

We've chosen that I will make the meals for our family, because this works best for our time together, and saves us money (plus I love to cook). We can get a few more minutes of sleep if I make breakfast and lunch while he gets ready for work. He's totally capable of making his own meals, but without me he'd most likely buy his meals (to save time).

I love to do this for him. When I'm on top of my game, I love being able to hand him a bag of food and give him a kiss at the door. It's sweet, he knows I love him, he is so grateful (which make me feel loved) and it makes us both countdown the hours till he's home again.

Yesterday morning though, I didn't wake up on time. I barely got a sandwich made and oatmeal thrown in a tupperware (w/o hot water) before it was time for him to leave. (I actually held him up). I feel bad when this happens, because it doesn't save us time, and he's still going to have to buy something else to eat with the sandwich (even though we have plenty of food in the house, and actually NEED to eat it so it won't go bad). Also because I'm rushed and he's clock-watching, neither of us feel super loved as he leaves. Don't get me wrong, we both love each other, and we both know that. He isn't mad at me when I don't get it right. Feeling loved is different than being loved, and as any married person will know, you don't always feel loved. When I don't wake up on time, it becomes one of those times. We learned about this in a couple of books you can find on the "Read" tab. (5 Love Languages & His Needs, Her Needs).


A few things I've learned about waking up when married:
I need my own alarm clock. Even if it goes off at the same time as his. I've realized it is false to believe I will wake up just because an alarm goes off, and my husband boldly jumps out of bed.

I need to set several alarms. Even if I wake up to the first one, I've realized it's also false to believe that I will get out of the bed once I wake up. I often fall back asleep. So I need to set a few alarms a couple minutes apart from each other.

One thing I have gotten better at though, is timing. Once I'm awake and in the kitchen, I'm much better at cooking breakfast & lunch. I used to be slow at this, but now I've learned to cook multiple things simultaneously! So thankful that God is helping me learn! Getting better at waking up, is something I still want to do.

So anyways, this morning was much better than yesterday morning! Plus, it's Friday! I'll leave you with a couple of weekend songs:

One that's probably already stuck in your head because I said "It's Friday":

And, incase you accidentally watched the above video, here's a better one (to hopefully get that first out of your head):

Either way the weekend is finally here!
Go Jackets!

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