I'm actually not sure I have time to write much but here's a re-cap:
- I made the pumpkin pie, and it was a hit! Though I tried to make two, and messed up the 2nd pie a million times! So I only took one.
- Saw lots of loved ones, and had a blast going to two different Thanksgiving meals as newly weds!
- Got a table and chairs for an early Christmas Present! Our house is looking homier every day it seems!
- We're going to be more intentional about working out/ prayer times/ and eating right.
- The book "A Praying Life" By Paul E. Miller, is really good! I'm almost done, and will give a full book review when I am. But we're going to work on some of the prayer cards it suggests in the book.
- Made homemade honey-wheat bread for sandwhiches, and sundried tomato french bread for hour Italian dinner last night! All of which tasted amazing-- I love bread!
- Got books on crocheting, upholstery, gardening, and yoga. They're on loan from the library, so I only have them for 3 weeks! There's no way I'm going to learn all that I want to from the books before they're do back!
- Had dinner with some new friends! They're our first married couple friends. (not the first friends that are married, but the first couple we met as a couple, if that makes sense) anyways, they go to our church. We have a lot of fun with them, even though they're U(sic)GA fans. :)
- I finally learned how to make the right consistency cookie!
- I made butternut squash / kale casserole (really yummy and gluten free)
- I made butternut squash soup with the other half of the squash (also gluten free)
- I finished one of the scarves for Christmas presents!
WHEW! Okay, that's about all the writing I have in me for today! Hopefully I will learn to manage my time better and incorporate blogging into my life. It's not something that comes natural to me, in fact I've started several blogs in my life and always deleted them within a month. I just haven't been able to get into it. But I decided with this one I wouldn't delete it, and if time went by with nothing written, that was okay.
Alright, well off to clean my house! After doing all of those things, you can imagine it's a wreck!
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